Academic Clubs & teams

AVA Club (Grades 7-12)
The AVA Club offers students the opportunity to learn and enjoy the art of public speaking and written expression. Members’ submissions are evaluated by regional judges, and prizes are awarded in multiple categories such as penmanship, poetry, short story, and debate.
Awareness Club (Grades 9-12)
The Awareness Club provides education and awareness to the Fuqua community about medically related challenges. The club offers Fuqua students a chance to learn more about science and medicine and provides an opportunity to improve communication around physical and mental differences.
Envirothon Club (Grades 9-12)
The Envirothon Team focuses on environmental awareness, science education, upkeep of the school’s nature trail, and on-campus recycling. Members travel to parks and college campuses to participate in the Virginia Envirothon training and competitions annually.
Readers Club (Grades 9-12)
The Readers Club offers students the opportunity to read and discuss books beyond those they read for class. Students offer suggestions for the library collections, help decorate the library for holidays and celebrations, and strive to enhance the cultural experiences of its members.
Fuqua Ambassadors (Grades 9-12)
The Fuqua Ambassadors work to cultivate positive attitudes on campus, taking pride in school, acting responsibly and safely, and striving for academic excellence. Students work to increase awareness of issues on campus and offer effective ways to contribute to a more positive climate on campus. Ambassadors are involved in Open House activities, as well as potential student tours and meetings.
Interact Club (Grades 7-12)
The Interact Club is an important branch of the greater Rotary youth programs that provide students between the ages of 12 and 18 the opportunity to develop leadership skills while also focusing on the Rotary credo of “Service-Above-Self”. Each year, the Interact Club completes at least two community service projects. One of those projects must benefit the school or community that the students live in. The other project must promote greater international understanding with the goal of creating a more unified and peaceful global community.
Youth For Christ (Grades 7-12)
The Youth For Christ group promotes Christian ideals, spiritual development, and community support. Students hold fund-raising events in order to make financial contributions to community volunteer organizations and arrange student-led prayers on campus on special days.
Youth and Government (Grades 9-12)
Youth and Government is a YMCA program in the United States that allows upper school students to serve in model governments at the local, state, and national level. It also allows students to participate in a model judiciary program. Fuqua School students participate in the Model General Assembly (MGA). Through this program, students assume roles of state legislators to make learning come alive. Students are selected to fill the slots allotted to Fuqua School for these programs by a variety of factors including age, interest and prior participation.